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Point and Figure Chart Software

Index of **FINAL** June '02 Max-Pain Point™ Graphs

(6/21/02 CBOE data)

Click a name to view the graph.

  • AMAT
  • AMD
  • AMZN
  • AOL
  • CPQ
  • CSCO
  • DELL
  • DUK
  • FFF
  • IBM
  • INTC
  • IOM
  • LU
  • MSFT
  • MU
  • NOK
  • NOVL
  • OEX
  • QCOM
  • QQQ
  • SBC
  • SPX
  • SUNW
  • TLAB
  • VZ
  • WCOM
  • XAU
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    Page last updated 6/21/02